
The Purpose of IWSG is to share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

To join IWSG visit Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh here.



How do you find the time to write in your busy day?

At the moment, I write full-time, so it’s more difficult for me to find the time to do things other than write than it is to find the time to write. Writing requires nothing more than a shower, brushed teeth, and sweat pants. Outside activities require make-up, real clothes, and usually a hairbrush. And while writing doesn’t come with a schedule, activities such as appointments, meetings, and events are inevitably weighted with time constraints.

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In keeping with the IWSG theme, my insecurity stems not from too little time, but writing and not producing enough output during those hours. I’ve accepted I am a slow writer, even slower when I don’t stick to process.

I could have easily shaved a year off my current WIP if I’d done a hardcopy edit and read the manuscript out loud instead of wasting time on dozens of online revisions. A pen in hand apparently stimulates the creative part of my brain in a way the keyboard does not. With a single hardcopy edit, passages rewritten multiple times online are finally beginning to sing [insert happy dance here].

A large part of finding the time to write is finding the process that works for you.


I will be away from my computer in late September so won’t be back for a regular post until October.
Meet you back here on OCTOBER 5 for IWSG!