Or as this American says:


Happy Bastille Day!!!


Whether you call it Bastille Day, 14 juillet, La Fête Nationale, French Independence Day, or the French Fourth of July—ten days later and with better food, today is the day!

What does Bastille Day commemorate? On July 14, 1789, anti-monarchists stormed the Bastille [prison] in Paris, and the French Revolution was born. Who cares if there were only seven prisoners, and the mob was really looking for ammo? It’s the thought that counts.

Next to Halloween and July 4, Bastille Day is my favorite holiday. Not sure whether you want to take the Bastille Day plunge? To help you decide, here are a few things I love about Bastille Day:

          • Fireworks at the Eiffel Tower.

Yann Caradec/flickrcc

  • An excuse to celebrate liberty, equality, and fraternity—we could use more of those.
  • Military parades down the Champs-Élysées.
  • Can you think of a better reason to sing La Marseillaise along with one of the greatest movies ever made?—lyrics here.
        • French wine and champagne – Okay, they have nothing to do with Bastille Day, but they are French and traditional.
        •  Who can resist a Bastille Day feast? We’re not talking hot dogs, burgers, and beer, folks.
        •  Don’t want to cook? Bastille Day is the perfect justification for visiting your favorite French bistro.
        • Viewing the Patrouille de France over Paris.


Can’t get a flight to Paris in time? It’s cool on YouTube, too:


 My favorite thing about Bastille Day?

I get to hear Vive Le France
when someone ISN’T making fun of my name.



Vive La France!

Vive La Republique!

Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité


Do you have a favorite holiday?
State your case!




**An earlier Version of this post appeared in 2011.


**A version of this post appeared in 2011. Had to recycle because I’m too busy celebrating to blog today.
