
Purpose of IWSG: to share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!
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Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh here.



It’s all about the writing.


What writer hasn’t heard this? Noble words certainly, but are they true? The very real possibility that the above statement is outdated, or worse a flagrant lie, is my greatest writing insecurity.

Recently, I’ve heard it said more than once that readers care only about story. Language, grammar, nuance, metaphors, imagery, similes, themes, lyricism, all mean nothing. As both writer and reader, I find this prospect disheartening. Not because some readers don’t care beyond a compelling plot—that’s all well and good and how it should be, but as a writer, nothing eats away at my confidence more than the notion that all readers are the same.

I’m not arguing against the importance of story. Story has and will always be king. But doesn’t a worthy story deserve to be well-told? 

Today, writers are under constant pressure to generate more and more material in order to remain visible on sites like Amazon. Branding is the new buzzword. What do you think, have we become so product-centric that writers are the only ones who still care about the writing?


Would love to hear your thoughts.




