Every so often I like to do a post on expectations. It interests me how writerly expectations have changed over time. Not just expected paths to publication, but the expected results.


Most of us came to writing with certain preconceived notions. Some of those assumptions proved true, e.g., grammar really does matter. Other assumptions not so much, e.g., it’s all about the writing.

 “If you expect nothing from anybody, you’re never disappointed.”

“Oft expectation fails, and most oft there where most it promises.
―WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE, All’s Well That Ends Well

Some aspiring writers will give up along the way finding the road to publication not worth the hassle, and the odds of success pitiful. While we stalwarts who stay the course usually do so in one of three ways:

By accepting the realities of publishing without letting those realities destroy our drive to share story. (The most difficult path, I think.)

By consciously ignoring the realities and writing for the love of words, irrespective of the state of publishing.

By writing in a bubble, surrounding ourselves with like-minded individuals thereby creating a we/they environment. Indie vs legacy, women vs. men, genre vs. literary, etc. As long as the bubble writer has a support network to reinforce misconceptions and prejudices, they can feel good about their path.

Do you see yourself here?

Have unmet expectations affected how you view
publishing and/or your writing?





Now, for something personal…
In memory of my sweet pup.

In my heart forever.
I’ll meet you at the bridge, good boy.

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July 18, 2002 – May 2, 2016





