
The Purpose of IWSG is to share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

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Words don’t flow from my pen. They spit and sputter like a car with bad plugs.  It’s not that I can’t write 3,000 words in a day. It’s that 95% of those words would be throwaways.

I know this because I’ve participated in—and nominally won—NaNoWRIMo twice. Each time I came away without a single salvageable word and a total of four lost months of writing time. You’re probably wondering how I could lose four months participating in NaNo only twice. It was easy. Not only did I waste the two Novembers, but I also squandered the preceding Octobers prepping, researching, taking notes, creating outlines. You can’t pants a NaNo, or at least I can’t.

Eric Fischer/Flickrcc

Eric Fischer/Flickrcc

But I digress. I’m reconciled to being a slow writer, in part because until now, I’ve been a lightning fast editor. No doubt attributable to my aforementioned spit and sputter writing. I do a lot of editing as I go.

Operative phrase here: until now.

You see, I’ve been editing my current WIP since November of 2015—six months, and I still don’t feel it’s ready for beta consumption.

I’m over the fact the manuscript took so long to draft. There was a lot happening in my life. But this editing thing … wow, I don’t know what to think. For me, normal editing time on a completed first draft is a month. That includes both a hardcopy edit plus reading aloud into a recorder and listening to the audio.

Anyone else out there ever suffer a particularly difficult edit? Were you able to pinpoint the reason why? Advice on how to handle this monster?







